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The Author

I live in New York City with my wife and daughter. I’m a biomedical engineer, a software developer, and now a run a medical software development company with an old friend and business partner. We help medical device startups build safe and effective software and also demonstrate their compliance with the FDA.

I enjoy reading, thinking, and writing about classic literature, philosophy, history, and religion. I see these activities as ends in and of themselves, however, I'm especially interested in how to apply their wisdom as a means to living the good life. For this reason, I sometimes discuss my business and family.

All opinions are my own, especially any opinions about religion or politics that may be contentious. For years I wrote on my site anonymously because I didn’t want to upset anyone I work with, but I eventually decided the benefits of being open outweighed the disadvantages.

Please send comments or questions to author@goodlifeodyssey.com.

This Site

The purpose of the writing is to clarify my thoughts on a variety of topics and share my ideas with friends, family, and co-workers. Additionally, I hope that some of these ideas may be useful to others who come across the site online. I also welcome the opportunity for occasional visitors to contact me and share new ideas with me. To facilitate staying in touch with readers, I have set up an email list.

The essays represent my current thoughts on a topic and are revised with my view.

The dialogues are meant to to represents and reflect on both sides of a debate. Often my dialogues are loosely inspired by real discussions. I revise them as I learn new arguments.

The meditations are short pieces, that reflect my thoughts and questions at a particular point in time. I only rarely edit these once written.

The notes and commentary are likely less interesting to a general audience; they contain many quotations and my summaries on various works—mostly classics. I worry that the number and length of the quotations I included extends beyond what is allowable by fair use; as best I can tell, they do not, but I sincerely hope not to cause harm to any of the translators, authors, or publishers I quote.


I wrote most of the words on this site myself. There are a few exceptions, which may be worth describing for any readers who care.

Most of the writing on this site is my own. If I use AI chat bots within dialogues, I indicate the chat bot’s name to make it clear what they said.

I do not cite my sources or even acknowledge when I have copied and pasted a paragraph or two from other sources that I agree with. However, given the purpose of this site, I think citing these works would be beneficial and necessary.